35+ Women Share the Most Infuriating Things That Have Ever Been Mansplained to Them

Mansplained Moments

There are some things that women and anyone who has ever presented femininely are familiar with. A lot of those things have to do with dealing with men who just won’t seem to put in the effort to take the misogyny out of their interactions. These are just some of the examples women shared online of running into “mansplaining” in their interactions in just about every corner of life.

The Basic Assumption

The problem here is obvious. It also demonstrates the main problem that is behind mansplaining in general. The basic assumption here is wrong from top to bottom. For one, this guy was wrong, as most mansplained concepts often are.

The Basic Assumption

To start off, he explained what he was saying wrong and, secondly, he didn’t know he was talking to the person about to give the lecture. In fact, he already assumed the speaker wasn’t even a woman.

And They Just Won’t Stop

There are times it seems like no matter what you say to a man, they’ll still find a way to make sure their point is mansplained to death.

And They Just Won’t Stop

When someone starts explaining something you already know to you, of course, you’re going to try and convey that to them. It’s not like listening to the person they’re talking to is part of mansplaining, though. Nothing was going to stop the men that this woman worked with it seemed.

Very Meta

Sometimes, you can’t help but wonder if there’s anything that some men can’t find a way to mansplain. There are moments when it seems like there’s no self-awareness whatsoever.

Very Meta

When this woman introduced the term mansplaining to one man, he wasn’t about to let the term really sink in. Instead, he decided that the term was just what he was looking for — something new to mansplain. Did he even hear himself say what he was saying?

Did You Hear They’re Catching On?

When you hear about something new, of course, you might want to share it with people who haven’t heard about it. That last part is pretty important.

Did You Hear They’re Catching On?

When this guy found out that this woman worked in the audio, he could have struck up a conversation where he learned something about his interests. Instead, he took the chance and mansplained his way through the conversation, leaving this woman expectedly disappointed.